
Boosting Hydration Habits in Older Adults with Augmented Reality

behavior change influence persuasion Jan 02, 2024
An elderly woman with gray hair is smiling gently while looking at a smartphone in her hands. She is wearing a light, long-sleeve top and is seated indoors with a warm cup on the table next to her. In the background, there's a bright window with a large, leafy green plant.

Imagine 78-year-old Martha, who often forgets to drink enough water throughout the day, a common issue that worries her family. However, everything changed when her granddaughter introduced her to an AR app to track her water intake. Now, Martha delights in seeing her virtual garden thrive as she meets her daily water goals.

This simple yet innovative technology has improved her hydration and brought a newfound sense of joy and accomplishment to her daily routine. Staying hydrated, a seemingly straightforward task, poses a significant challenge for older adults. Diminished thirst sensation and medication effects often lead to dehydration, a condition with serious health implications (Taylor & Jones, 2021). The innovative solution? Augmented Reality (AR) app. These aren't your average tech gimmicks; they're a fusion of fun and functionality designed to promote hydration among our aging population.

Augmented reality transcends the realm of gaming, merging the digital with the tangible to create experiences that can positively alter our behaviors. This concept resonates with Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, suggesting our actions are influenced by our beliefs and anticipated outcomes (Bandura, 1997). When older adults believe in the health benefits of staying hydrated and see these benefits reinforced through AR apps, they're more likely to adopt healthier habits.

The Synergy of Theories in Augmented Reality Hydration Apps

Integrating Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997) with broader behavioral models, like the Health Action Process Approach (Schwarzer, 2008), these apps influence actions through a mix of intentions, attitudes, and perceived benefits. If older adults recognize the health benefits of water and find the process engaging through an app, they're more likely to maintain this healthy behavior.

Case in Point: Plant Nanny2

Consider Plant Nanny2, more than just a hydration tool – it's a digital companion. This app ingeniously applies the principles of self-efficacy and anticipated outcomes, with users witnessing their virtual plants flourish as they meet their hydration goals, providing powerful visual and emotional motivation (FourDesire, n.d.).

The process is straightforward yet profound. Users start by setting up an account, receiving reminders, and tracking their water intake. Each sip translates into the growth of a virtual plant, fostering a sense of responsibility and accomplishment. This experience transcends mere hydration; it's about nurturing life, albeit digitally, reinforcing the act of self-care.

Beyond the Virtual Garden

Remarkably, these behaviors often extend past the confines of the app. As older adults build confidence in their hydration habits, they inadvertently become role models for their peers, demonstrating that age is not a barrier to embracing new, health-positive technologies (Lee et al., 2019). While promising, these apps invite further research, particularly regarding honesty and accountability. How does inputting inaccurate intake data impact users' self-belief and behavior change? This area offers fertile ground for future studies.

AR apps like Plant Nanny2 are more than just playful tools; they are catalysts for healthier living. They offer a unique combination of engagement, education, and behavioral change tailored for older adults. As app designers continue to harness these psychological theories, the potential for promoting healthy aging becomes increasingly tangible and exciting.


From Insight to Action 💡

Embrace AR for Personal Health: Discover the transformative power of AR in personal health management. Start by exploring apps like Plant Nanny2 to make hydration an enjoyable part of your day. But don't stop there—explore other AR applications to enhance your mental health, physical activity, and medication adherence. These tools not only empower you to take control of your health but also make the journey enjoyable.
Leverage AR in Tech and Entertainment: Venture beyond traditional boundaries by developing AR content that merges entertainment with educational health benefits. This exploration could open new avenues in user engagement, creating immersive experiences that entertain while promoting healthy habits. Collaborating with health experts ensures these innovations are fun and scientifically grounded.
Advocate for AR Technology in Community Settings: Community leaders and organizations are crucial in bridging the technology gap for older adults. Organize workshops or collaborate with local centers to showcase the benefits and simplicity of AR health apps. These initiatives can demystify technology, fostering a community-wide embrace of AR for health management and social connectedness.
Contribute to AR Health Research and Development: The call is out for a multidisciplinary effort to refine and expand the scope of AR applications in health. Ongoing research into user experience and the psychological impact of AR on health behaviors is vital. Your contributions can lead to innovative AR solutions that are engaging and grounded in scientific research, ensuring they meet users' real-world needs, especially older people.


Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.


FourDesire. (n.d.) Plant Nanny is Back.


Lee, NL, Kim, MJ, and Hwang, WJ. (2019). Potential of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Technologies to Promote Well-being in Older Adults. Applied Sciences 9, no. 17: 3556.


Schwarzer, R. (2008). Modeling Health Behavior Change: How to Predict and Modify the Adoption and Maintenance of Health Behaviors. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57, 1-29.


Taylor K, Jones EB. Adult Dehydration. [Updated 2021 Oct 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from: